Modellierung digitaler Ökosysteme in der Produktion und Logistik
Semester | Credits | Moodle course | Date | Location | Start date |
Summer | 5 | Link to Moodle course | - | - |

Digital ecosystems and platforms as a typical form of such systems are currently gaining more and more importance in production, logistics, business, and politics. In order to successfully analyze, design, model and operate such systems, a comprehensive knowledge of their characteristic properties in the dimensions of technology, business administration and law is required. In addition to technical modeling in different notations from statics and dynamics, the lecture therefore also presents typical business models and legal frameworks that are required for the Digital Ecosystem beyond a technical implementation.
Examples from the automotive domain are used to show how the basic concepts can be applied to ecosystems of any size: From in-car platforms such as AUTOSAR or Android Automotive, to modeling the vehicle as a platform, to conceptualizing European mobility and the European automotive market as a Digital Ecosystem.