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Fakultät Maschinenbau
Datenbankentwicklung, Datenanalyse, Data Mining

Fallstudie Informationssysteme

Semester Credits Moodle course Date Location Start date
Summer 5 Link to Moodle course - - -
© itpl

In this module, students work in small groups on a current task from the practical field of production logistics. The tasks cover the areas of database development, data analysis, data mining as well as conceptual developments in the task field of information systems. The concrete task requires the processing of selected subtasks in small groups. The division of the workload as well as the internal communication are to be organized by the small groups themselves. The contents worked out are presented by the small groups in the context of an intermediate and final presentation. Depending on the task, additional results such as a developed prototypical application or a conference poster may be required in addition to suitable lectures and presentations. A limitation of participants is possible, please pay attention to the announcement on the chair page. The necessary basics for this module can be acquired in the course "Datenanalyse und Wissensrepräsentation in der Produktion und Logistik". The case study guides the students in the independent implementation of methods for the design of IT systems as well as IT technologies. For a given task, the IT solution for a given case study is to be designed, implemented and presented in group work.