Exciting programming project completed

At the end of the summer semester, numerous programming projects from the "Einführung in die Programmierung" II module were once again presented at the ITPL. The projects range from classic applications for calculating problems to simulations of production facilities and traffic volumes to constructed robots and machines.
A group of students, consisting of Luca Elias Kaub (left), Merle Hirschberg (middle) and Alessia Lacaria (right), set themselves the task of automatically solving a Rubik's cube. To do this, they modeled a self-constructed device and produced it using 3D printing. In addition, the calculation and control of the motors had to be implemented using a Raspberry Pi (Python) and an ESP32 (C++).
The projects complement the theoretical content with a practical application. The ITPL is always happy to hear from students whose creative ideas complement the existing projects.